Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Vintage Movie Trailers

This kind of makes me understand why Michelle Obama always looks like she wants to stab someone. Denzel's first film role! Aside from the mildly racist idea that finding out you have a black son [who is nothing but genial well dressed and spoken] is both horrific and hilarious, the jaw dropping moment for me is when Denzel declares, " Teach me how to fly a kite, I'll teach you how to pick a lock!"

This is everything The Brave One SHOULD have been.... that shit was more tired and overwroght than a music review

Apparently this movie inspired the Smells Like Teen Spirit music video and was a favorite movie of Kurt Cobain. Its based on real life events that took place in Foster City, a former garbage dump that became one of the first planned cities and home to a good friend of mine. [hi Shyla, hi!]

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