Saturday, December 22, 2007

Its been awhile

I arrive to little fanfare I imagine but none the less must get these thoughts off my chest. I am home for holidays!™ .... And dying of boredom! After binge eating on rice crispy squares and candied pecans I plopped in front of my parents new Hi Def TV where I watched Ghost Rider for all of 3 minutes before returning to the kitchen for round 4. I've been revisiting old relics of my talentless youth such as yearbooks, photos, toys, and reports. Jesus its all so banal. If I was unextraordinary or bordering on idiocy its because I was allowed to do so. After reading the inscriptions by my fellow classmates in my yearbooks I can assure you that the public education system was in trouble long, long ago.
The house I grew up in feels more and more alien and not necessarily in a bad way. My father, having retired keeps the place in top shape and my parents' taste in interior decor and design has aged well over the years. The unofficial desire is to look like a spread from Martha Stuart Living and I think very soon they will have achieved have achieved that goal. Congrats.
I'm currently sitting on a oversized couch that is more comfortable than the single bed mattress and box spring I own. I'm heading to Long Island this Christmas and have been practicing my eyes of blocked emotion and condescending smiles. I found this video that is shockingly accurate in what it will be like when I arrive.