Sunday, November 8, 2009

Precious Gays

"I felt sorry for her. I thought she might really need my ten dollars. After all this was Saturday night, and yet she didn't have any customers. Somehow I equated her fatness, her blackness, her unpopularity with my own outcast status. She'd show me sympathy, which would magically awaken my virility.In her adoring eyes I'd become a slender hipped young prince under a gold crown of hair, skin as smooth as petals under a light green tunic. I'd protect her. I'd earn money and buy her freedom. We'd be outcasts together as a mixed couple, she a Negro whore and I her little protector. But no matter, for if this fantasy kept me a pariah by exchanging homosexuality for miscegenation, it also gave me a sacrifice to make and a companion to cherish. I would educate and protect her. I would nurse her back to decency after her years of debauchery."

- Edmund White excerpt from A Boy's Own Story

1 comment:

Arnold Lozano said...

so when is precious coming to france!?