Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Today is a Very Important One

I don't blog much these days but I simply must on this occasion as it is the birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven (238 years young today!), Jane Austin (233), the blithe Noel Coward (109), Phillip K. Dick (80), and Liv Ullman (70). But most importantly OF ALL, on Dec. 16, 1977 Saturday Night Fever was released and pop culture was forever changed! This is like the Titanic/Gone With The Wind of my summer childhoods spent in Suffolk County on Long Island. I dare you to watch this and not believe in romance again!
Also since this is ME and my blog and my preoccupation with all things dour I'd like to point out famous deaths on this day. We lost Sylvester this day in 1988 which makes me feel (mighty sad). Colonel Sanders also kicked the bucket this day in 1980, and Somerset Maughem left us in 65. I'd like to imagine all three hanging out, bonding over a tub of extra crispy.

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