Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Music Videos!

Switzerland's entry for Eurovision last year

This one's for Arnold

I've written about the best music video in the history of all time, now its time for the worst


Arnold Lozano said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hadn't watched these before because i've been using internet at the library and museums all this time... i finally brought my headphones with me! okay, i can imagine kavita being a part of the swiss video. the second video made my day... unfortunately the first two made me so damn giddy i had to stop the third one less than a minute in because i started snorting and laughing too loud (reminder: i'm in the library)... oh... this is wonderful

Arnold Lozano said...

okay, i calmed down. yeah, you're right.. that video is really bad.

momo1212 said...
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momo1212 said...

glad you liked the videos

Isn't the non diegetic insert of the poorly dubbed laughing toddler bizarre? Also why are all the professors wearing graduation uniforms???? I think student/teacher boundaries were crossed during the dance break at the ice cream social in the finale.

The third video literally IS the worst music video I've ever seen. It fails on every level.